Log in to Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg
Moodle for
- Medicine and Dentistry
- International Health (M. Sc.)
- Interprofessional Health Care (B. Sc.)
- Health Services Research and Implementation Science in Health Systems (M. Sc.)
- Medical Informatics (B. Sc./M. Sc.)
Is this your first time here?
- Medicine and Dentistry
- International Health (M. Sc.)
- Interprofessional Health Care (B. Sc.)
- Health Services Research and Implementation Science in Health Systems (M. Sc.)
- Medical Informatics (B. Sc./M. Sc.)
As a student, please log in with your Uni ID. Other users use their email address to log in.
If you use your email address to log in, you can reset your password using the "Forgotten your username or password?" link. Students who log in with their Uni ID can only reset their password personally at the URZ. For other problems, please contact our helpdesk.
Please note: Access for first semester students will be activated during the introductory week.